
by E.R.I.C.A. soc. coop.



Wikiwaste is the application that simplifies your separate collection.The latest version features a new look and new featuresavailable to the citizenry, based on the territory ofbelonging. Browsing the app it will be possible to consult the followingsections:• Door-to-door waste collection calendars, for informationwhen to exhibit and have indications with respect to any collectionswith road system;• List of transferable waste and related display methods;• Eco-centres available in the area with useful information foraccess;• Area for reporting the abandonment of waste in the area;• Contact area with contact details of local information offices forhave information on the service within your municipality;• Composting, with FAQs and precise indications for your ownCommon;• News on the waste management service in the area;• Reuse centre, with the catalog of available products and thepossibility to book them for subsequent collection on site;• Specific services, accessible on the basis of the municipality to which they belong,such as: the booking of the home collection service of thebulky items on the collection dates, the collection reservationhome care of the waste exposed at second homes in sometourist towns.The app was updated in 2023 as part of the Projectcross-border In.Te.Se. PLUS, within the European ProgrammeInterreg France-Italy ALCOTRA co-financed through the FundEuropean Union for Regional Development.